
【講座】師培增能線上講座:3/14(四) 「如何準備醫學教育最佳實證(BEME)的研究?」


【 講師 】 梁仁峯醫師 台北榮總教學部實證醫學科主任

如同臨床醫學這二十年來的趨勢,醫學教育亦開始走向實證化。醫學教育比起臨床醫學,文化、場域等情境因素影響相對巨大,因此醫學教育的實證上與臨床醫學的實證研究方法並不完全相同。醫學教育最佳實證(Best Evidence Medical Education)的發展也應運而生。

本演講將介紹BEME的沿革,並簡介醫學教育研究的評讀技,如評分系統RAG framework及MERSQI及回顧類型。聽眾將可對BEME的精神、研究主題的界定及評估醫學教育研究品質有基本概念。

【報名表單】 https://forms.gle/iKptuKdhU6Es9RTZ8(已截止)


  • Cook DA, Bordage G & Schmidt HG (2008) Description, justification and clarification: a framework for classifying the purposes of research in medical education, Medical Education 2008: 42: 128–133
  • Gordon M (2016) Are we talking the same paradigm? Considering methodological choices in health education systematic review, Medical Teacher, 38:7, 746-750.
  • Morris Gordon and Trevor Gibbs (2014) STORIES statement: Publication standards for healthcare education evidence synthesis, BMC Medicine, 12:143
  • Cook, DA, & Reed, D. A. (2015). Appraising the Quality of Medical Education Research Methods: The Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument and the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale-Education. Academic Medicine, 90(8), 1067–1076.



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