【工作坊】師培增能工作坊:7/18 (四) 「當藝術遇到醫學」

chART Round-我們今天在美術館查房
Treat me like art
【活動時間】 2024年7月18日(星期四)下午1:00-4:30
【活動地點】 高雄市立美術館(高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號)
【活動內容】 分組參與兩位老師教學體驗活動,並互換組別,最後進行討論與分享
- 高雄醫學大學附設岡山醫院 一般及消化系外科 主任
- 高雄醫學大學 醫學研究所醫學教育組 碩士
- 高雄醫學大學醫學系 學士
- 專長:消化道與肝膽胰微創手術、腹壁及腹股溝疝氣手術、肝膽胰癌症化學治療、達文西機器人手術、醫學人文與藝術教育
- 原為急診醫師,因為對於教學的熱忱,後將重心轉為教育者。
- 密涅瓦大學決策科學碩士,以及就讀加州整合大學應用心理學碩士班。
- 曾遊歷40國,致力於透過表演藝術來融入教學以及全人教育。
- Lurie, S., Mooney, C., & Lyness, J. (2009). How should the ACGME core competencies be measured? Academic Medicine, 84(9), 1173.
- Arora, S., Ashrafian, H., Davis, R., Athanasiou, T., Darzi, A., & Sevdalis, N. (2010). Emotional intelligence in medicine: a systematic review through the context of the ACGME competencies. Medical Education, 44(8), 749-764.
- Hojat, M., Shannon, S. C., DeSantis, J., Speicher, M. R., Bragan, L., & Calabrese, L. H. (2020). Does empathy decline in the clinical phase of medical education? A nationwide, multi-institutional, cross-sectional study of students at DO-granting medical schools. Academic Medicine, 95(6), 911-918.
- Neumann, M., Edelhäuser, F., Tauschel, D., Fischer, M. R., Wirtz, M., Woopen, C., … & Scheffer, C. (2011). Empathy decline and its reasons: a systematic review of studies with medical students and residents. Academic Medicine, 86(8), 996-1009.
- Colliver, J. A., Conlee, M. J., Verhulst, S. J., & Dorsey, J. K. (2010). Reports of the decline of empathy during medical education are greatly exaggerated: A reexamination of the research. Academic Medicine, 85(4), 588-593.
- Eikeland, H. L., Ørnes, K., Finset, A., & Pedersen, R. (2014). The physician’s role and empathy–a qualitative study of third year medical students. BMC Medical Education, 14, 1-8.
- Samarasekera, D. D., Lee, S. S., Yeo, J. H., Yeo, S. P., & Ponnamperuma, G. (2023). Empathy in health professions education: What works, gaps and areas for improvement. Medical Education, 57(1), 86-101.
- Howley, L., Gaufberg, E., & King, B. E. (2020). The fundamental role of the arts and humanities in medical education. Association of American Medical Colleges.
- Moniz, T., Golafshani, M., Gaspar, C. M., Adams, N. E., Haidet, P., Sukhera, J., … & Lingard, L. (2021). How are the arts and humanities used in medical education? Results of a scoping review. Academic Medicine, 96(8), 1213-1222.
- Naghshineh, S., Hafler, J. P., Miller, A. R., Blanco, M. A., Lipsitz, S. R., Dubroff, R. P., … & Katz, J. T. (2008). Formal art observation training improves medical students’ visual diagnostic skills. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23, 991-997.
- 計畫助理 黃榆心 吳青頻
- 電話:07-3121101 #2020
- 信箱:nstcep@gmail.com