【2024 國際系列活動】10/30-11/2 國際學者演講、工作坊系列活動 報名資訊
**活動已順利結束,回顧活動內容請點此處:10/31 (四) 長庚講座、11/1 (五) 台大工作坊。**
歡迎報名參加 國科會醫學教育學門增能計畫「匯流與深化:健康人文與醫學教育之增能發展與跨域研究」主辦之演講與工作坊活動。
為促進健康人文與醫學教育之增能發展,本計畫特邀醫學教育期刊(Journal of Medical Education)主編、英屬哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia)醫學系教授 Kevin Eva 於10月30日(三)至11月2日(六)間舉辦一系列醫學教育研究議題相關之講座與工作坊。活動資訊與報名連結如下,歡迎各位師長參考。
10/30 林口長庚 工作坊: (已截止)
10/31 高雄長庚 演講: 實體演講限院內人士報名,另對外開放前往以下單位觀看現場直播投影
- 林口長庚醫院連線參與: (已截止)
- 高雄醫學大學連線參與:(已截止)
- 臺北榮民總醫院連線參與:(已截止)
10/31 高醫 討論會: 此活動限邀請參加
11/1 台大 工作坊:(已額滿)
11/2 台灣醫學教育學會 演講: 報名請洽台灣醫學教育學會
主題:Enhancing Research Excellence: How to Master the Art of Peer Review in Medical Education
摘要:This workshop will be aimed at equipping participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective peer reviewers for the sake of understanding how to become better researchers and authors. Through interactive activities and discussions, participants will learn about the peer review process, different forms of peer review, and best practices. They will also gain practical experience in critiquing and providing constructive feedback by evaluating conference abstracts.
主題:Engaging patients in medical education- why and how
摘要:Recent years have witnessed a broadening of perspective regarding what it means to practice medicine well. As the competencies expected have been detailed more carefully in many parts of the world, increased attention has been paid to the need to train physicians to have the full skillset required for patient-centred healthcare. In general, however, we continue to decide on what it means to communicate well, to act professionally, and to advocate on behalf of patients with minimal consideration of how patients themselves experience and evaluate such behaviours. In this presentation, Dr. Eva will review arguments for and against patient involvement in medical education, summarizing the broader literature regarding when, why and how patients tend to be engaged, while using student selection as a detailed case study.
- 林口長庚醫院-兒童大樓L棟地下二樓臨床技能中心階梯教室
- 高雄醫學大學-國際學術研究大樓四樓共同討論室1+2
- 臺北榮民總醫院-致德樓第十會議室
主題:Medical Education Research Special Interest Group Meeting
主題:Advancing the research capability and publication in medical education – Tips for writing a good paper
摘要:During this interactive workshop, Dr. Eva will strive to use the publishing experiences of the group to “pull back the curtain” and reveal what happens behind the scenes of the paper submission process. In doing so, he will prompt reflection on participants’ authorship goals and on how decisions are (or should be) made regarding publication outlets while suggesting strategies for increasing one’s chance of receiving a positive decision from Editors working within health professional education scholarship.
主題:Where COVID and AI intersect: Case studies to empower educators and learners through education research